Wing Chun Kung Fu, also known as Wing Tjun is a concept based Southern Chinese martial art and self-defense system for everyone.
The fundamental concept behind Wing Chun is the understanding of energy; yours, your opponents and the combination of both.
By using this energy with the correct structure, alignment and angles we can intelligently outperform any opponent who relies purely on physical strength or brute force to win an exchange.
The IWKA Wing Tjun Kung Fu System as taught at the Schools of Kung Fu Blue Mountains is based on decades of research, study and training by
Sifu Sergio Pascal Iadarola, Schools of Kung Fu & IWKA founder and author of
"The 6 Core Elements - The Siu Lin Tau and History of Wing Chun".
Many lineages of Wing Chun were studied to create the IWKA system of Kung Fu, including;
Ip Man
Yuen Kay San
Gu Lao
The 1700’s Siu Lin Tau
Vietnamese Wing Chun
Tang Yick Weng Chun and
Fujian White Crane and Emei.​
At the Schools of Kung Fu Blue Mountains, we practice mastery of Body, Mind & Energy. Our students and instructors are one family who help each other improve their skill, confidence and knowledge of Kung Fu.
The classes are a combination of solo and partner training exercises where our students learn to practice at their own pace in a fun and engaging way. We pride ourselves on maintaining a safe and ego-free training environment so all feel welcome when they walk through our doors.
No matter your size, age, gender, fitness level or previous martial arts experience, at Schools of Kung Fu Blue Mountains, our friendly team of instructors and students will help and support you in achieving your marital arts goals.